Social Media Strategies & Their Target Audience: For Different Type of Organizations

Profit, non-profit and government organizations work on their own relevant target audience, according to organization niche and also their own social media strategies. SMO strategies of profit, non-profit and government also depend on the individuals who visit via SMO platforms and then return on investment in those three sectors. The target audience of the government organizations is basically voters, citizens, politicians and these social media strategies is that politicians/leaders to interact with their audience like to increase votes their favour with rules and regulations.

The profit organization’s main goal is making money, those organizations use brand ambassadors, investors as a target audience. Moreover, for strategies profit organizations use paid campaigns like Google Adwords, Facebook ads etc. On the other hand, non-profit organizations use surplus income to achieve organization goals rather than share their surplus income to the organization’s stakeholders. For target audience they use volunteers, potential donors and social media strategies they use to tell stories, interact with audience with blogs/article, find donors etc.

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