Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management / Online Reputation Marketing in short ORM is the understanding, influencing of an individual’s or business’s reputation. It was originally coined as a public relations term, but advancement in computing, the internet and social media made it primarily an issue of search results. Although it is often associated with ethical grey areas, such as astroturfing (messages) review sites, censoring negative complaints or using SEO tactics to game the system and influence results, there are also ethical forms of reputation management, such as responding to customer complaints, asking sites to take down incorrect information and using online feedback to influence product development.

In other words, if anybody can write a review of your business on numerable websites or talk about you on social media, reputation management is the monitoring of how people view you, responding to negative reviews, correcting mis-information, and emphasizing online positive reviews. Are you tracking what is being said about you? Do you respond to negative reviews? If you have good reviews and satisfied customers, are you effectively making it known (reputation marketing)? It’s about making sure your positive online PR is prominent. Moreover, As technology improves and search engines become more accurate, online reputation marketing strategies must grow and evolve. With Google changing the rules of the game i.e why no longer can your company solely rely on SEO to bring your business listings to the front page of online search engine results. Google, Yahoo & Bing have now started incorporating reviews into search engine results. A business with reviews will receive preferential placement over a business with no reviews. This knowledge is central to anyone who seeks to systematically improve their online reputation marketing strategies.

Why Reputation Marketing and Management is so cardinal …?

  • Reputation is everything in the materistic world and business depends on it and It is the most important thing your business can do.
  • One bad review away from losing tons of business and its the reality of today’s internet.
  • It’s not an rocket science that 75% of online consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • If you want clicks and calls, then you need more than good rankings, i.e business reputation and you need umpteen good reviews.
  • ORM builds, monitor, manage, and market your business.

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