Google Maps: A Complete Guide to Local Marketing

Google is not only a place to get answers to even the most mundane of questions; it has also become a hub to promote your business and gain more customers. Until now, we have heard ...
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Acing the Google Voice Search SEO in 2019

Voice search is becoming more and more common because of the ease of handling it gives to the users. It is easy and completely voice controlled and gives them the freedom of multi-tasking. This is ...
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Four Effective Ways of Mobile Marketing for Organizations

From salad days of millennium, digital media strategies keep changing persistently for organization’s. In the past, organizations just concentrated to create websites or to work on few social media platforms like Digg, Stumble, Delicious, Flicker, ...
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Social Media: Transparency, Privacy & Respect

Recommendation to an organization to protecting personal privacy in accessing data: 1). Confidentiality: This is as similar as privacy. Confidentially is basically designed to prevent sensitive data on customers, donors, friend and other constituents, while ...
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Social Media Intelligence Tools

TOPSY (Twitter Tool) Twitter: Tim Horton’s need to be more active on Twitter if we compare with Starbucks they have more relevant followers and more relevant tweets related to niche. From past 7 days, most ...
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Social Media Strategies & Their Target Audience: For Different Type of Organizations

Profit, non-profit and government organizations work on their own relevant target audience, according to organization niche and also their own social media strategies. SMO strategies of profit, non-profit and government also depend on the individuals ...
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Memes: The funny side of online interaction

In materialistic world, Meme is the best way to interact with audience or to get response from audience in the cyber world. Meme is a component of culture behavior which is travel from an individual ...
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Online Professional Photo Editing Tools for Beginners

Images composition is a key to interact with online visitors. It also depends on the Shape, size, positioning, orientation, balance. Photoshop, GIMP and other photo editing tools consumes much and space in the computer. In ...
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WordPress style.css Customization using different themes

Twenty Fifteen Theme Initial view of twenty fifteen theme Initial Theme Post Left column colour change i.e pink Left Column Colour Change Font change i.e. Myriad Pro Light and then header colour change i.e. green ...
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Customization of WordPress Post Using Codes

My post initial view  Initial Page  Heading Tags (H1, H2 & H3) Before H1, H2, H3 After H1, H2, H3   In starting I use H2 tag for 2 lines, H1 for “Organization who use ...
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Is Snapchat is Really Good For Marketing?

Snapchat is basically young target market, it allows organizations to deliver and offer discount coupons within seconds. Moreover, coupon snaps not only reward customers but they also provide incentive to bring them back for more ...
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Image Composition for Online Interaction

Images composition is a key to engage online visitors for every business. It also depends on the Shape, size, positioning, orientation, balance and the harmony among the elements. Moreover, it also depends on the area, ...
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Digital Terms To Design Website Without Codes

CMS (Content Management System): CMS is a framework which used to manage content of a website and it comprises of two components: the substance administration application (CMA) and the substance conveyance application (CDA). The CMA ...
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Legal Rights in Photographs on Social Media

LEGAL NOTICE: The presentation of data on a blog and websites is not individualized legal advice and should not be depended on thusly. Most of the articles are are proposed to offer general comments on ...
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Stock Image Resources: Did you read terms before use images? is basically image sharing website which provides online tools designed to facilitate and share our love of photography and videos and the terms if use protect the legal interests of SmugMug, our users and also ...
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The Do’s & Don’ts of Using Socail Media Platforms

Nowadays, Social Media marketing is cardinal for a business presence to achieve organisational goals. In 2014 survey, most of the organizations use Facebook, Twitter & Intagram for marketing but 65% of organization doesn’t know to ...
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Website Promotion by using Strategy Models

Strategic technique is basically used to evaluate surrounding competitors and the analysis done by the company to check weaknesses and strengths that a organization’s competitors may have. After, that information helps to improve efforts within ...
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How to approach on Social Media Platforms for new organization

Nowadays, every social media platform is important for the sake of promotion. For promotion of any organization, competitor analysis is required and first of all we check the website like what kind of keywords they ...
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Is It Really Marketers Need To Understand About Non-Profit & Governmental

In materialistic world, Marketers need to understand about both non-profit and government strategies, have separate likenesses and ample distinctions and also vary as far as their objectives. The procedure of marketers market is also different ...
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Social Media Strategies & Tactics to Launch New Product

In postmodern epoch, everyone is crazy to promote their business online especially on social media platforms. To make visibility online they use websites like Delicious, Facebook, Foursquare, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Yelp, YellowPages, Vine, ...
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Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management / Online Reputation Marketing in short ORM is the understanding, influencing of an individual’s or business’s reputation. It was originally coined as a public relations term, but advancement in computing, the internet ...
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Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization in short SEO is the process of promoting & the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engines (like Google, Bing, Yahoo) natural or un-paid “ORGANIC” search results ...
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Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing in short SEM is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (i.e SERPs) through optimization and advertising by using ...
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Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing in short SMM refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. SMM programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers ...
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Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization in short SMO refers to the use of a number of social media outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, brand and event. Types of social ...
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Content Management System

Content Management System in short CMS. A CMS is a computer program that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central interface. Such systems of content management provide procedures to ...
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Server Hosting & Handling

Control Panel in short cPanel is a management tool based on web technologies for managing sites easily, with a clean interface. This is a non-free software available to a large number of distributions of Linux ...
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New Hi Tech Gadgets

New Hi Tech Gadgets in short NHTG i.e. my 6th Project. I start NHTG for numerous reasons. The most important thing is that I love gadgets and want to update me about futuristic things i.e. why ...
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New City Driving School

New City Driving School in short NCDS i.e. my 5th Project. NCDS is basically a driving school in Mohali, India who teachs driving skills to pass the roads & traffic jams in a decent manner. This ...
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Free Android Appz

Free Android Appz in short FAA i.e. my 2nd Project. FAA is an ultimate collection of (Android, iPhones/iPad & MAC) games, applications/softwares, themes & Operating systems etc. This website is actually designed for mobile users in ...
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Xtreme Downloads

Xtreme-Downloads in short XD i.e. my 1st Project. XD is an Ultimate Source Of Services (PC Games, Applications/Softwares, Movies, E-Books, TV Shows etc) Download Free Specially For Entertainment. This website is created for entertainment purpose in ...
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KP Singh

Kamal Preet Singh in short KP Singh i.e. my 7th Project. This website is my portfolio and this is designed for one purpose that I want to introduce myself in online world. For more information about ...
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